> Hi,
> Owing the following "program" :
> file = new TFile...
> tree = new TTree("EM","EM particles",1000000) ;
> gEvent = new RBEvent ;
> b = tree->Branch("event","RBEvent",&gEvent,20000,1) ;
> ...
> tree->Write() ;
> file->Close() ;
> delete file ;
> delete b ;
> delete tree ;
> delete gEvent ;
> I got a SEGV on the delete b.
> Is there a special way (or order) to delete pointers on branches or
> trees.
When you close a file, histograms and Trees created on this file
disappear from memory as well.
You do not need to delete branchs and trees.
Remove the two statements
delete b;
delete tree;
otherwise your program will crash because you attempt to delete
an object twice.
Rene Brun