> Hi I have a rz file generated by the geant routines GRFILE,GRIN,GREND
> containing geometry, materials, roatationmatrices,...
> If I run it it core dumps with a Segmentation fault:
> g2root chambers.geom chambers.C
> nvolum= 0 jvolum= 0
> ( 0) 0xc1a81c7c traceback + 0x14 [/usr/lib/pa1.1/libcl.1]
> ( 1) 0xc01302e0 _sigreturn [/usr/lib/libc.1]
> ( 2) 0x00007aac node_ + 0xb8 [/users2/fourpi/urner/root/bin/g2root]
> ( 3) 0x00006ef4 toroot_ + 0x11e8 [/users2/fourpi/urner/root/bin/g2root]
> ( 4) 0x00005bdc _start + 0x2ec [/users2/fourpi/urner/root/bin/g2root]
> I run it on a hp system 10. Is there any documentation, which
> explains the format of the input file in more detail?
Very likely your RZ file chambers.geom has a problem.
To generate a RZ geometry file with GEANT, add the following
statement after closing the geometry and physics initialisation
call ggclos
call gphysi
call grfile(21,'chambers.geom','ON')
in case you ftp this file to your hp system, make sure you use the
BIN option of ftp.
If the symptom still persists, please contact me directly.
I will tell you how /where to transfer your file to my machine
for investigation.
Rene Brun