I agree with you. Seems like a very good proposal.
My personal mailbox also gets flooded with root mails,
sometimes making me feel like quitting the list.
A Newsgroup would be much better.
Martin Woudstra.
Pasha Murat wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> "roottalking" activity on this mailing list reached a level where we could
> think about chanding the form of our communication:
> it is not always convenient to receive by mail *all* the questions
> and *all* the answers.
> trouble with cleaning up my mailbox - there are too many mail messages
> coming to roottalk mailing list.
> Personally I'd prefer to read most of them in "off-line" mode.
> Looking how people around solve similar problems I found that
> establishing a newsgroup with all the correspondence
> Regards, Pasha