First, the macro I use to run the test. Right below it is the output it
produces on my windows nt maching. I'm using root 1.03/05, btw:
------------ dump_out_test.cpp ----------------------------------------
gROOT -> Reset();
TFile output_file ("output.stuff", "RECREATE", "Junk");
TTree *output_tree = new TTree ("T", "Stuff", 1024);
B *event = new B;
output_tree -> Branch ("event", "B", &event, 2048, 1);
if (!output_tree)
cout << "No output tree!" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
output_tree -> Fill();
event->Dump(); // What we think we wrote
// output_tree -> Print();
gROOT -> Reset();
TFile ("output.stuff");
TBranch *b = T.GetBranch("event");
B *event;
event.Dump(); // What we read!
return 0;
---------------- Output of this maco on my Windows NT machine.
Processing dump_out_test.cpp...
_the_a_obj._item[2] 0
_the_a_obj.fUniqueID 0 object unique identifier
_the_a_obj.fBits 50331648 bit field status word
fUniqueID 0 object unique identifier
fBits 50331648 bit field status word
TFile Writing Name=output.stuff Title=Junk
_the_a_obj._item[2] 0
_the_a_obj.fUniqueID 50331648 object unique identifier <<<<<<<<<<
_the_a_obj.fBits 0 bit field status word
fUniqueID 50331648 object unique identifier <<<<<<<<<<
fBits 50331648 bit field status word
If I set splitlevel to be "0" when I write out, then fUniqueID is zero,
just as it is when
it is written out.
I much more complex programs I see this sort of behavior happening to my
data members (floats or integers are overwritten with the 50331648 number).
-------------- The LinkDef.h
// Stuff for CINT
#ifdef __CINT__
#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;
#pragma link C++ class A;
#pragma link C++ class B;
-------------- test.h file
#include "TObject.h"
class A : public TObject {
float _item[2];
A (void) {_item[0] = 0; _item[1] = 0;};
ClassDef (A,1) // The A Class
class B : public TObject {
A _the_a_obj;
B (void) {};
A &get_A (void) {return _the_a_obj;};
ClassDef (B,1) // The B class
---------------- test.cpp file
I have not been able to check this in UNIX, and I do not have access to the
MSVC 4.0 compilers to see if that is the real cause here...