> Note that you also used ROOT 1.03/03 and not ROOT 1.03/05.
Sorry it is only version I am aware about. I have (strange?) no
information on 1.03/05 yet.
> By the way, your dll creation can even be more simplified by NOT
> using a makefile, but simply :
> CL /nologo /TP /Za /MD /DL /I%ROOTSYS%\include *.cc
> /link /ENTRY:_DLLMainCRTStartup@12 %ROOTSYS%\lib\*.lib
The makefile does apply very this line (well against of *.obj, not
*.cc) and the idea to simplify things (for "trivial") came from
very your ralice.cmz.
But that makefile does the ROOT dictionary as well and it assumes
user doesn't use CMZ (well if one uses CMZ he doesn't need "make"
utility I agree).
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
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