you seem to be linking with ALL ROOT shared libraries, *.sl,
(including the ROOT OpenGL interface). This is probably
not what you want. To do it the right way have a look
at $ROOTSYS/test/Makefile. There you see with which ROOT
libs you have to link to get a running app (with or
without graphics).
Cheers, Fons.
PS: to use OpenGL get the Mesa OpenGL libs installed
(see ROOT availability page to find pointer to Mesa
web site). Once you have Mesa installed execute
in root ".x GL.C". This macro is distributed in the
$ROOTSYS/macros directory and shows how and
Mesa are dynamically loaded (GL.C is currently only in
the HP and Linux distributions, others will follow soon).
It looks like this (for HP):
> Dear rooters,
> I have written code using some of the root libraries.
> It worked fine with the g++ compiler.
> Now I switched to the aCC compiler and am linking against the aCC
> version of the root libs.
> It compiles,links,but when I run it, I get a whole load
> of error messages:
> aCC runtime: Error 215 from shl_findsym(/afs/,_shlInit)
> /lib/ Unresolved symbol: glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass (data) from
> /afs/
> /lib/ Unresolved symbol: typeid__XT12TGLViewerImp_ (data) from
> /afs/
> /lib/ Unresolved symbol: glNormal3fv (code) from
> /afs/
> /lib/ Unresolved symbol: glMatrixMode (code) from
> /afs/
> /lib/ Unresolved symbol: __ct__11THelpDialogFPCc (code) from
> /afs/
> /lib/ Unresolved symbol: glCullFace (code) from
> /afs/
> etc.
> etc.
> Can somebody please help me? Thanks a lot.
> Martin.
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