> On Fri, Oct 10, 1997 2:32 PM, Valery Fine <mailto:fine@mail.cern.ch>
> wrote:
> >> Also, just click around for a while, in the left and right panels,
> >> and try to navagate in a file that has both histograms and ntuples.
> >> I fine the behavior quite inconsistant... :-)
> >
> > What did you mean, please let us an example?
> >
> I found an easy way to reproduce this, finally.
> Use the "Event.root" file from the root test as an example. Open the
> file, and start a browser. Do the following sequence of commands. On
> Windows NT 4.0, 1.02/03 this fails:
> 1) click on the "plus symbol" for Rint (this is _not_ a double
> click).
> 2) click on the "plus symbol"for ROOT Files
> 3) click on the "plus symbol" for Event.root
> 4) click on the "plus symbol" for the "T"
> 5) click on the "plus symbol" for the "event"
> 6) click on the "plus symbol" for the "fTracks"
> 7) Double click on the "fTracks"
> The right side of the display is _not_ updated. I suspect there is
> an if statement that says "if double clicking on the item, and it is
> open, don't update", but the "+" opens the item, but doesn't update
> the display (as it shouldn't, if you are emulating the NT explorer).
Yes, that's right. The "left" folder can be expanded to the
"right panel" if its icon is marked with "+". Well it is some
feature of the "ROOT" Explorer. And I can not agree "this the
behavior quite inconsistant" as you said.
To implement what we are speaking about the program needs to know
in advance about the coming structure. It may slow down Browser
significantly for the large (huge) and complex data-set. Anyway this
could be changed.
> The work around is to close one level above where you want to look
> and then start double clicking.
> Another UI faux-pas. In NT, the little folder icon on the left hand
> side of the display does not change to an "open folder" icon unless
> its contents are displayed on the right hand side. This means that
> clicking on the plus sign in the right hand side of the display
> should not update the folder icon to an open icon, as it now does in
> the TBrowser... :-)
Excuse me I didn't understand this.
There is no "+" on the "right hand" panel at all. And I found no
problem here.
Clicking the "folder" icon on the "right hand" panel does explore
this folder and does change its icon on the "left hand" panel from
"close" to "open" state too.
Double clicking the the "close" folder marked with "+" on the
"left hand" panel does change its state from "close" to "open" and
present its contents with "right hand" one as well.
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
------------ ------------- Phone: +41 22 767 4921
CERN FAX : +41 22 767 7155
CH-1211 Geneva, 23 mailto:fine@mail.cern.ch
Switzerland http://nicewww.cern.ch/~fine