I found an easy way to reproduce this, finally.
Use the "Event.root" file from the root test as an example. Open the file,
and start a browser. Do the following sequence of commands. On Windows NT
4.0, 1.02/03 this fails:
1) click on the "plus symbol" for Rint (this is _not_ a double click).
2) click on the "plus symbol"for ROOT Files
3) click on the "plus symbol" for Event.root
4) click on the "plus symbol" for the "T"
5) click on the "plus symbol" for the "event"
6) click on the "plus symbol" for the "fTracks"
7) Double click on the "fTracks"
The right side of the display is _not_ updated. I suspect there is an if
statement that says "if double clicking on the item, and it is open, don't
update", but the "+" opens the item, but doesn't update the display (as it
shouldn't, if you are emulating the NT explorer).
The work around is to close one level above where you want to look and then
start double clicking.
Another UI faux-pas. In NT, the little folder icon on the left hand side of
the display does not change to an "open folder" icon unless its contents
are displayed on the right hand side. This means that clicking on the plus
sign in the right hand side of the display should not update the folder
icon to an open icon, as it now does in the TBrowser... :-)