What follows:
main.cpp -- Main writer program.
MLQ_Event.h -- the event object that is being written out.
MLQ_Event.h -- The header
test.cpp -- A macro I use to read out the output file.
The main program is built in C++ (msvc 5.0) and looks like the following.
When split level is 0, when you read in the first event and dump out the
event (using the Dump method) you see "10" for _temp, as you should. If you
change split level to 1, then _temp is
// main.cpp
// This routine will read in a Greg ntuple and produce an output root file
that contains
// all the fits we are interested in.
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "MLQ_Event.h"
#include <iostream.h>
int make_root_from_greg (Text_t *f_name);
main (int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2) {
cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <ntuple-name>" << endl;
return 1;
make_root_from_greg (argv[1]);
return 0;
int make_root_from_greg (Text_t *f_name)
TROOT simple ("simple", "Simple example.");
gDebug = 1;
// Define the various varriables we need to access here
Int_t run;
Int_t event_number;
// Open the output file, and define the event.
TFile output_file ("output.root", "RECREATE", "LQ Mass Ntuple");
TTree *output_tree = new TTree ("T", "LQ Mass Tree (eejj)", 1024);
MLQ_Event *event = 0;
output_tree ->Branch ("event", "MLQ_Event", &event, 64 * 1024, 0);
// Loop over ntuple, processing
int nentries = 100;
run = 0; event_number = 0;
for (Int_t i=0; i<nentries;i++) {
cout << "Run: " << run << " event: " << event_number <
< endl;
// Get the new event object up and going!
event = new MLQ_Event (10);
// Make sure to write it out!
output_tree -> Fill ();
delete event;
// Done!
output_tree -> Print();
return 0;
I also build a .dll that contains the definition of a
// MLQ_Event.h
// A lq mass event
#ifndef __MLQ_Event__
#define __MLQ_Evnet__
#include "TObject.h"
class MLQ_Event : public TObject {
Int_t _temp;
MLQ_Event (void);
MLQ_Event (int temp);
~MLQ_Event (void);
ClassDef(MLQ_Event,1) // Basic
// MLQ_Event.cpp
// Routines to implement the event dude.
#include "MLQ_Event.h"
#include "lq_jet.h"
// MLQ_Event
MLQ_Event :: MLQ_Event (void)
: _temp(30)
MLQ_Event :: MLQ_Event (int temp)
: _temp(temp)
// ~MLQ_Event
// Get rid of everything
MLQ_Event :: ~MLQ_Event (void)
And a short macro to read out the first item in the
// test.cpp
TFile f("output.root");
TBranch *b = T.GetBranch("event");
MLQ_Event *event;
b->SetAddress (&event);
b->GetEvent (1);