> > 3) I couldn't tell... is the "~/rootlib" file syntax (the ~ part, your home
> > directory) recognized on windows? I would guess not, but perhaps
> > translation happens someplace I didn't see.
Under UNIX it is done by passing the "native" UNIX "echo" command
been followed with a file name string to the "native" UNIX shell and
"catching" the "Native" UNIX shell output via the "pipe"(see
TUnixSystem::ExpandPathName() method). It is UNIX understands just
the both forms, namely $(env_name) and $env_name and ~ as well. First
is done by ROOT itself, the second one via that UNIX echo command.
Under Window to keep the same syntax a special parser should be
involved instead. It was on my "todo" list.
> The ~ syntax is also used in
> > this example file. I replaced the "~" with $(HOME) and things seemed to
> > work just fine.
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
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