Re: Colors under 1.03.04
Rene Brun (
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 09:22:16 +0200
Marc Mueller wrote:
> Hi,
> Since there are a lot of improvements, I have changed to
> root version 1.03.04 from 1.02 (HP-UX 10.20 and Linux).
> Now, the Postscript semms to work, but I lost my self-defined
> colors. To demonstrate this problem, I have listed this small
> programm.
> {
> gROOT->Reset();
> int colNum=48;
> int colPoint=51;
> colorList=gROOT->GetListOfColors();
> while(colorList.LastIndex()>0)
> colorList.RemoveLast();
> int mypalette[colNum];
> for ( int i=0; i<colNum; i++){
> TColor(i+colPoint,1-(i/(colNum*1.0)),1-(i/(colNum*1.0)),
> (i/(colNum*1.0))," ");
> if((i+colPoint)<100) {
> colorList.RemoveLast(); //TColor *light
> colorList.RemoveLast(); //TColor *dark
> }
> mypalette[i]=i+colPoint;
> }
> c1 = new TCanvas("prtname","Surface Draw",200,10,700,500);
> gStyle->SetPalette(colNum,mypalette);
> pad1=new TPad("pad1","Title",0,0,1,1,10);
> pad1->Draw();
> TF2 *f2 = new TF2("f2","(x^2) + (y^2) - (x^3) -9*x*(y^4)",-2,1,-3,3);
> f2->SetContour(colNum);
> f2->SetFillColor(0);
> pad1->cd();
> f2->Draw("surf2");
> }
> Please, explain me how to bring up this code to version 1.03.04 .
If in your loop, you replace the statement:
TColor *color = new TColor(i+.....
your macro will work.
The macro behaves as expected. When you go out of the scope of the loop,
all objects created inside (as objects) are deleted.
Rene Brun