Re: A TFile on the stack or the heap doesn't seem to behave the same way...

Fons Rademakers (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 18:35:29 +0200

Hi Gordon,

on Unix I get the following using your script:

void test (char *filename)
printf("file = %s\n", filename);
TFile f (filename);
if (!f.IsOpen()) printf("f is not open\n");
if (f.IsZombie()) printf("f is a Zombie\n");
TFile *t = new TFile (filename);
if (!t->IsOpen()) printf("t is not open\n");
if (t->IsZombie()) printf("t is a Zombie\n");
TFile z ("junk.txt");
if (!z.IsOpen()) printf("z is not open\n");
if (z.IsZombie()) printf("z is a Zombie\n");

root [5] .x test.C("junk.txt")
file = junk.txt
Error in <TFile::TFile>: file junk.txt does not exist
f is not open
f is a Zombie
Error in <TFile::TFile>: file junk.txt does not exist
t is not open
t is a Zombie
Error in <TFile::TFile>: file junk.txt does not exist
z is not open
z is a Zombie
root [6]

this is ok. Also after executing test() the object
and pointers are not accessable anymore (out of scope).

And when you do:

root [10] gDebug=1
root [11] .x test.C("junk.txt")

you will see that the TFile dtors are correctly called for
the two stack based TFile objects f and z.

If you don't get the same output on NT then there is something
wrong with the NT version. Let me know.

Cheers, Fons.

Gordon Watts (Brown University) wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running 1.03/04 on WindowsNT 4.0, Service pack 3. I have the
> following macro in a file test.c:
> void test (char *filename)
> {
> TFile f (filename);
> TFile *t = new TFile (filename);
> TFile z ("junk.txt");
> }
> In root I run it with ".X test.c("junk.txt");" Junk.txt does not exist in
> my current directory, so I expect all three statements to fail. Runnning it
> shows that the second two do, indeed, produce an error message. No error
> message is forthcoming from the first TFile delc. In fact, the object "f"
> doesn't even seem to exist! (i.e. I can't do a IsOpen on it). I searched
> the web site and documentation the best I could and the only clue I could
> come up with is that TFile's constructor wants an argument of Text_t. I
> tried replacing the char * with a Text_t * but it didn't change anything.
> BTW, the error message from the second TFile decl indicates that the
> "junk.txt" string is getting in just fine.
> I also looked at the root/cint docs to see if there was some restriction on
> stack created objects, but I didn't see any references...
> Cheers,
> Gordon.

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