More on saving files after root opens them...
Gordon Watts (
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:45:18 -0500
Interesting. I've been using VC++ 5.0 to edit root macro files (nice syntax
coloring, etc.) and it does refuse to save a file after it has been opened
by root. However, if I use notepad it works just fine. Odd; it was as if
some sort of lock was established by root that wasn't really a write
lock... or the two systems are writing invisible/temp files (I couldn't
fine anything) that collide?
Well, I'm using notepad now, but I would really like to be able to go back
to VC++... :-)
BTW, I see large numbers of root temp files in my temp directory; they are
all numbered. Besides the observation that this seems to be an inefficient
way of handling commands (wouldn't it be better if it remained in memory,
never written to the disk?), do they ever get deleted by ROOT when root is
done? It dosen't look like it...