> there was a bug in ROOT related to TObjecTable::Remove. Could you
> get the latest version of ROOT and try to see if the problem is fixed
> (it should be). If the message still persists it might also be due
> to you trying to delete the same object twice.
I've downloaded the most recent development version (ver 1.03/04, Sep 23,
1997), but I get the same warning messages. The objects which issue the error
are allocated statically, so if the problem resides with the multiple
deallocation my only suspicion is whether root is handling these destructors
// example
MyObject derived_from_TObject;
derived_from_TObject.my_public_data_member = 5; // this line generates the
derived_from_TObject.my_public_data_member = 5; // this line doesn't generate
warning (I suspect because it's not first operation on this member)
> You can turn off the TObjectTable bookkeeping by specifying in your
> .rootrc the line:
> Root.ObjectStat: 0
I'm afraid the WinNT version doesn't have this line in .rootrc. If I place
paste it into the \root\include\.rootrc file, it doesn't seem to make any
difference either. I still get the same warnings. Any other suggestions?
William J. Deninger