> The G++ compiler is for free available for all
> supported platforms. To be short : why not make
> G++ as the compiler standard for the ROOT project
> ?
For Windows platform:
I found gcc/g++ is no use to write ANY "native" Windows
applications. It is excellent to make a port of the the UNIX
applications to Windows platform though. It could be used to
RE-compile the existent WIN32 application as well (with some
restriction of course. Any gcc/g++ implemetations assume
porting/converting the MSVC include files at least. This is a
source of the extra bugs anyway).
For ROOT this sounds like double job.
First development would be done with MSVC and then re-compile
with g++.
> Also bug tracing (e.g. differences in compiler
> behaviour) would probabyl become more easy.
Most problems come from another side. Namely, not from the
differences in the compiler behavior but OPERATING SYSTEMs.
Switching to g++ under Windows makes this problem even worse.
From another point of view I found no big problem to compile text
with any compiler if one obeyed the "REAL official standard" but "de
facto UNIX brand one" instead.
So the only issue here is just price of compiler
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
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