I have a MSVC++ multiple document interface circuit code application
I've written during the past eight weeks before stumbling upon ROOT.
Now I seem to have a serious dilemma. Is it reasonably possible to
incorporate ROOT plotting classes (THxx, TNtuble, etc.) into an MFC
application? Or would you believe less time consuming to convert
existing MSVC document and view classes to ROOT? For the later case,
take into consideration that I've used STL deque containers.
I've already tried calling root routines from my applications, but the
root library "new" and "delete" overloading seems to crash my program.
// Sample
// any MSVC class within MDI application with ROOT_xxx libs included in
void TEST::test()
char *text = new char[100];
delete[] text; // generates Runtime abnormal termination error
"char" infact is just an example. Any data type/class will result in
the same error
William J. Deninger