I'm on my way to create some "streamable" classes with ROOT and I noticed
a few things which I think can be improved:
Documentation to the point that the ClassDef macro has to be _the last_
statement in the classes public section. I don't know why, but otherwise
rootcint does not generate any Streamer code. (almost a day to find
A minor point is that the indentation of my editor (Emacs, CC-mode) gets
messed up since there is no semicolor after ClassDef (anyone a good idea
on that?).
There seems to be no good solution to the question of include files.
Makecint does need the ROOT include files, whereas cint (root as
interpreter) does not. Both define __CINT__ so there seems to be no way of
using the preprocessor to use the right includes. The best solution would
be cint taking ROOT include files. The other solution would be if rootcint
would not define __CINT__ or define an additional Symbol: Three cases of
include files (interpreter, dictionary generator, compiler) :-(