Ciao, Fons.
> > ( ... )
> > like I said before this point is mood now since Masaharu has fixed
> > the problem. For the time being if you need some special defines
> > (const, defines, enums) from the root headers that are not in the
> > precompiled dictionaries just add them to a private .h file.
> > ( ... )
> Sorry, but fix of cint is not the point now.
> The point is : why am I NOT ALLOWED to include root/cint includes ?
> Could someone, please, answer this question.
> Extracting some "special defines" to a "private .h file" doesn't seem, for
> me, to be a good idea. With every new root release ( and they come every
> month, or so ) I would have to check all my "private .h files" against new
> root/cint includes, because maybe somwhere something was ( slighly, of
> course ) changed. I prefer to simply #include original .h files to escape
> of this problem. SO, WHY NOT ???
> Thanks in advance,
> Jacek.
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