like I said before this point is mood now since Masaharu has fixed
the problem. For the time being if you need some special defines
(const, defines, enums) from the root headers that are not in the
precompiled dictionaries just add them to a private .h file.
Cheers, Fons.
PS: if there are some "essential" symbols missing let me know and I'll
add them to the builtin dictionaries.
> > You should noit use INCLUDE at all since ROOT includes are
> > "pre-included", namely all interface defintions are included into the
> > ROOT dictionaries
> But macros and const'ants are not.
> > Try to delete all your "#include" at all.
> What do you suggest for, for example, ClassDef, ClassImp macros ( coming
> from Rtypes.h ) ? Should I also delete them from my classes ?
> Jacek.
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