Thomas Kraemerkaemper wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to get some publication ready postscript output from
> several plots. First I thought this would be quite easy now with ROOT,
> but after spending several hours I give up now and ask the community:
> What I want is just plain plots; no 3D stuff, no background colors.
> Looks like a simple task, but has become a bold challenge for me.
> 1. I used only one pad. After some time I figured out (mostly by try and
> error, because the options are spread widely in the documentation and
> also nomenclature is not always clear (e.g. which frame belongs to which
> object?) that I could get rid of all unwanted 'decorations' with:
> aCanvas = new TCanvas("aCanvas", "My Screen", 0, 0, 640, 400);
> aCanvas->cd();
> aCanvas->SetFillStyle(0);
> // Set fill style to hollow mode.
> aCanvas->SetBorderMode(0);
> // Switch off the 3D effects.
> // Alternatively: +1, -1 for above/behind the screen.
> aCanvas->SetLineColor(10);
> // Set line color to white (?).
> Only after drawing some histogram into this pad one can get access to
> the frames to get rid of them:
> aCanvas->GetFrame()->SetFillStyle(0);
> aCanvas->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(0);
> This finally works but is way too much to do for such a simple request!
> BTW: 'gStyle->SetLabelFont(40)' has no effect. I have to use
> histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(40);
> to obtain what I want.
> 2a. Now I would like to use 4 pads:
> aCanvas->Divide(2, 2, 0., 0., 0);
> // 0 means 'use color of parent pad', says documentation...
> aCanvas->cd(1);
> Plotting of four histograms yields to four nice histograms, but all of
> them have now an unwanted grey background and 3D decorations. I had
> expected that they inherit the behaviour of the parent. In addition,
> despite the pad-margins of 0., there is a small gap between the four
> histgrams (on display only).
> 2b. Now I try everything that worked for the single pad for these four
> pads:
> aCanvas_1->SetFillStyle(0);
> // Means hollow fill style.
> aCanvas_1->SetBorderMode(0);
> aCanvas_1->SetLineColor(10);
> aCanvas_1->GetFrame()->SetFillStyle(0);
> aCanvas_1->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(0);
> No change. Especially is the filling not 'hollow', but solid.
> 2c. Now I try instead a solid fill style with color white:
> Mh, which number is 'white'? Unfortunatly, 'white' seems not to be at
> some special position in the ROOT color table. Would be nice to have
> something like the Xt macros BlackPixel() and WhitePixel(); this is a
> problem because the 256 colors of my workstation are already used up by
> several applications, hence, I can found a dozen 'whites' either via
> 'View->Colors'-menu or via the ROOT www site and the TAttFill
> description. With a b&w terminal you simply have no chance at all to
> find it out. Finally I believe number 10 is correct:
> aCanvas_1->SetFillStyle(1001);
> // Means solid fill style.
> aCanvas_1->SetFillColor(10);
> aCanvas_1->SetBorderMode(0);
> aCanvas_1->SetLineColor(10);
> aCanvas_1->GetFrame()->SetFillStyle(0);
> aCanvas_1->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(0);
> Yields to a brighter background grey, but still a grey...
> Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong? Despite the likely possibility
> that I did something very stupidly wrong, I have the impression that it
> _is_ difficult in ROOT to figure out what one has to change to get a
> different look&feel of the plots than the default one. Much www pages to
> read to find out, what option changes what.
> Tsch"uss, Thomas (using a Sparcstation 20 as a display, running root
> 1.03/03 at a RS6000 with AIX4.1).