Re: Automatic documentation generation

Pasha Murat (
Mon, 22 Sep 1997 19:42:47 GMT

I tried to generate HTML documentation for one of the
user classes on a different platform - AIX 4.2 (ROOT compiled for
AIX 4.1). The class description has been loaded interactively by
load (.L) command, shared libraries have not been used.
(Rene, you have the source codes of TV2 class, I just removed ifdefs
surrounding ROOT macros...)

The failure brought up the following questions:

- provided ROOTSYS env. variable is defined why is it necessary to specify
path to ROOT include directory (see commands 0-3) ?
Isn't it done by default?

- why THtml::MakeClass doesn't recognize a class which is available
interactively and has been generated with ClassDef and ClassImp
macros used (command 4 shows it)?

- therefore: is it necessary to compile a shared library to generate HTML

Thanks, Pasha

/cdf/software/freeware/run2/Rlinalg>env ROOTSYS
* *
* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
* *
* Version 1.03/03 10 September 1997 *
* Development version *
* *
* You are welcome to visit our Web site *
* *
* *

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.13.24, Aug 24 1997
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] .L
Error: source file "Rtypes.h" cannot open FILE:linalg/TV2.hh LINE:18
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
root [1] #pragma includepath /cdf/software/freeware/root/v1_03/include
root [2] .L
root [3] TV2 v(1.,3.)
root [4] .p v
(class TV2)540655592
0x0 protected: double x=1
0x8 protected: double y=3
0x203b5ec8 private: static class TClass* fgIsA=0x0
0x10 private: long G__virtualinfo=329
root [5] THtml html;
root [6] gHtml->MakeClass("TV2")
Error in <THtml::MakeClass>: Unknown class 'TV2' !