Re: Automatic documentation generation
Rene Brun (
Sun, 21 Sep 1997 08:07:33 +0200
Patrick Decowski wrote:
> hi pasha and valery,
> i think that this is exactly the problem. i noticed already a few
> months ago that the arguments that are used when calling the strncmp()
> functions in THtml are not checked against a NULL pointer. the
> implementation of the strncmp() function seems to be different on the
> different platforms. some of them check the arguments against NULL and
> others don't. the GNU C lib doesn't check, so it affects your IRIX 6.2/gcc
> and my Linux system. so for instance the htmlFile variable in
> THtml::MakeClass() should be protected agains NULL.
Thanks for pointing this problem. We will protect the THtml class
against NULL pointers in the strxxx routines.
Nenad Buncic, the author of this class, assumes Posix compliants strxxx
implementation (with buil-in protections against NULL pointers).
Apparently some compilers are not yet Posix compliants.
Rene Brun