> Does anyone have a program that is the reverse of h2root? This would
> change some subset of possible root files into hbook ntuples,
> histograms, etc.
Since ROOT FUNCTIONALITY is a SUPER set of HBOOK ones there is
no back common way (even in theory) unless one improves HBOOK.
But since C++ allows to call any FORTRAN code that you may write
our own C++ class to wrap HBOOK Fortran calls taking in account the
properties of your OWN histogram objects. It is assumed to extract
some bins information from the ROOT histogram objects and call
HBOOK to create and fill the HBOOK histograms. Apparently some info
will be lost (one goes from SUPER set to SUB set) this way but it
would up to you to judge (it would be your OWN class not ROOT one).
Anyway it would be done (probably,try) for your own objects not
just for ANY ROOT histogram objects.
With my best regards,
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
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