Re: root2h

Rene Brun (
Sat, 20 Sep 1997 12:23:10 +0200

Andrew Sonnenschein wrote:
> Does anyone have a program that is the reverse of h2root? This would
> change some subset of possible root files into hbook ntuples, histograms,
> etc.
> This would be useful for communicating with our colleagues who are not yet
> using root.

This could be implemented in a simple way for histograms or
ntuples, but not for all Root Trees because Hbook ntuples are
a subset of the functionality of the Root Trees.

If there are more than 5 people showing interest in the coming days,
we can increase the priority of this utility.
If there is a volunteer to do the job, we can tell him
how to proceed. There is no need to understand the internal
structures of either Root or Hbook.

Rene Brun