> is is possible to use IO manipulators with ROOT? - To use standard
> manipulators one has to include <iomanip.h> and at this point
> rootcint starts complaining (see output below)
I hope Masa will provide the further response but in general:
One should NOT assume it can use ANY native compiler includes
within CINT environment. One may use either CINT includes or his own
one only (It is assumed that one's includes in not tied with ANY
special "native" platform). (To learn which one CINT does provide see
ROOT/include directory and CINT docs)
One must use "native" compiler and make a "native" DLL if he does
need some "local" features of the "native" compiler those CINT has
not provided yet.
With my best regards,
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
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CERN FAX : +41 22 767 7155
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