I'm trying to build a shared library to be used by ROOT and I'm having a problem
with rootcint processing of #define's. After cutting off the source code almost
everything I ended up with the example enclosed below, showing how I failed to
make use of
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
directive defined in /usr/include/math.h. I'd appreciate if somebody could
comment on what's wrong with this example.
Thanks, Pasha.
There are 3 source files involved:
------------------------------------------------------ LinkDef.h
#ifdef __CINT__
#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;
------------------------------------------------------- v23.hh
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include <math.h>
double const PI = M_PI;
class V2 {
double X,Y;
V2 ();
V2 (double x0, double y0);
#pragma link C++ class V2;
-------------------------------------------------------- v23.cc
#include "v23.hh"
V2::V2 () { X = 0.; Y = 0.; }
V2::V2(double x0, double y0) { X = x0; Y = y0; }
Now I'm trying to build the library:
****************************** pass 1.
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>rootcint -f v23_cint.cc -c -I../include LinkDef.h v23.hh
Error: No symbol M_PI in current scope FILE:v23.hh LINE:5
>>> yes, M_PI is defined in <math.h> via #define, we need to switch
ON preprocessing.
***************************** pass 2
Let's do it. First I'm trying to use '#pragma preprocessor on/off. '
So v23.hh becomes:
--------------------------------------------------------- v23.hh
#include "Rtypes.h"
#pragma preprocessor on
#include <math.h>
double const PI = M_PI;
#pragma preprocessor off
class V2 {
double X,Y;
V2 ();
V2 (double x0, double y0);
#pragma link C++ class V2;
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>rootcint -f v23_cint.cc -c -I../include LinkDef.h v23.hh
Error: No symbol M_PI in current scope FILE:v23.hh LINE:6
>>>>>>>>>> so it looks like '#pragma preprocessor on' by itself changes nothing.
At ths point I grepp'ed ROOT sourses (development 1.03/01) and it looks like
this pragma is not used by ROOT.
****************************** pass 3
Then I notice that CINT (rootcint) has a '-p ' directive, which is said to
turn preprocessing ON.
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>rootcint -f v23_cint.cc -c -p -I../include LinkDef.h v23.hh
gcc: v23.hh: linker input file unused since linking not done
Note: operator new() masked c
>>>>>>>> OK, it looks better, so let's do the next step:
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>gcc -shared -o v23.so -I$ROOTSYS/include -I../include v23.cc v23_cint.cc -lstdc++ -lm
No default font loaded
* *
* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
* *
* Version 1.02/00 25 July 1997 *
* *
* You are welcome to visit our Web site *
* http://root.cern.ch *
* *
CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.13.17, Jul 5 1997
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] gSystem->Load("v23.so")
Load Error: Dynamic link library /cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob/./v23.so can not load
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
******************************************* pass 4
It is clear that in this example <math.h> serves only for demonstration.
Lets comment it out, remove '-p' option and see what happens:
-------------------------------------------- v23.hh
#include "Rtypes.h"
#pragma preprocessor on
// #include <math.h>
// double const PI = M_PI;
#pragma preprocessor off
class V2 {
double X,Y;
V2 ();
V2 (double x0, double y0);
#pragma link C++ class V2;
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>rootcint -f v23_cint.cc -c -I../include LinkDef.h v23.hh
Note: operator new() masked c
class V2 in v23.hh line 6 original base of virtual func
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>gcc -shared -o v23.so -I$ROOTSYS/include -I../include v23.cc v23_cint.cc -lstdc++ -lm
No default font loaded
* *
* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
* *
* Version 1.02/00 25 July 1997 *
* *
* You are welcome to visit our Web site *
* http://root.cern.ch *
* *
CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.13.17, Jul 5 1997
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] gSystem->Load("v23.so")
root [1] V2 a(1.,1.)
root [2] .p a
(class V2)272117632
0x0 double X=1
0x8 double Y=1
0x0 private: static class TClass* fgIsA
0x0 private: long G__virtualinfo
now everyting is fine...