there seems to be a problem with rootcint (CINT ?) processing of the
friend functions illustrated be the example below. Or may be somebody could
comment on what's wrong with this example ?
Thanks, Pasha.
------------------------------------- v22.hh
#include "TObject.h"
class V2 {
// ****** data members
double X,Y;
// ****** constructors
V2 ();
V2 (double x0, double y0);
double x() { return X; }
double y() { return Y; }
friend V2 operator + (V2& v1, V2& v2);
void set(double x, double y) { X=x; Y=y; }
V2 operator += (V2& v) { X+=v.X; Y+=v.Y; }
V2 add (V2& v) { return V2(X+v.X, Y+v.Y); }
friend V2 add (V2& v1, V2& v2) ;
#include "v22.hh"
V2::V2() { X = 0.; Y = 0.; }
V2::V2(double x0, double y0) { X = x0; Y = y0; }
V2 operator + (V2& v1, V2& v2) {
return V2(v1.X+v2.X,v1.Y+v2.Y);
V2 add (V2& v1, V2& v2) {
return V2(v1.X+v2.X, v1.Y+v2.Y);
---------------------------------------- LinkDef.h
#ifdef __CINT__
#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;
#pragma link C++ class V2;
Here is what I get (I compile a shared library and load it dynamically):
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>rootcint -f -c v22.hh LinkDef.h
Note: operator new() masked c
class V2 in v22.hh line 3 original base of virtual func
/cdf/upgrade/tracking/murat/g3/test/glob>gcc -shared -o -I../include -I$ROOTSYS/include
No default font loaded
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* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
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* Version 1.03/01 22 August 1997 *
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CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.13.21, Aug 12 1997
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] gSystem->Load("")
root [1] V2 a(1.,1.);
root [2] V2 b(2.,2.);
root [3] V2 c;
root [4] .p a
(class V2)272285080
0x0 double X=1
0x8 double Y=1
0x0 private: static class TClass* fgIsA
0x0 private: long G__virtualinfo
root [5] .p c
(class V2)272285176
0x0 double X=0
0x8 double Y=0
0x0 private: static class TClass* fgIsA
0x0 private: long G__virtualinfo
root [6] .p b
(class V2)272285128
0x0 double X=2
0x8 double Y=2
0x0 private: static class TClass* fgIsA
0x0 private: long G__virtualinfo
root [7] c+=b;
root [8] .p c; <-------------------------------**** up to now everything is OK
(class V2)272285176
0x0 double X=2
0x8 double Y=2
0x0 private: static class TClass* fgIsA
0x0 private: long G__virtualinfo
root [9] c = c+b; <-------------------------------***** call to friend function
root [10] .p c the result is wrong
(class V2)272285176 should be (4.,4.)
0x0 double X=2
0x8 double Y=2
0x0 private: static class TClass* fgIsA
0x0 private: long G__virtualinfo
root [11] c = a.add(b);
root [12] .p c
(class V2)272285176
0x0 double X=3
0x8 double Y=3
0x0 private: static class TClass* fgIsA
0x0 private: long G__virtualinfo
root [13] c = add(c,b); <--------------------------**** call to friend function
Error: No symbol add(c,b) in current scope FILE:/var/tmp/haaa006XZ LINE:1
*** Interpreter error recovered ***