Re: Feature in postscript output
Rene Brun (
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 17:26:48 +0200 wrote:
> Hello,
> I have found a strange behaviour of the postscript output of a canvas when using
> the drawing option "cont" (when I reported it the first time I could not
> reproduce it - sorry).
> When you have 4 histograms named:
> HitMatrix303
> HitMatrix403
> HitMatrix503
> HitMatrixTarget
> and you use the attached macro dtest.C you get a nice output on the screen, but
> the ps-output using the menuoption (File->Save as ps) is somehow corrupted.
> To show it I have put on our web-server in the directory
> the files:
> OSFgcc.gif align.root dtest.C
> where the gif is how it looks like on screen.
> The align.root inculdes the 4 histograms.
Thanks for reporting this problem and providing a test macro.
I can reproduce the problem. I will work on it.
Use options "cont1' or "cont2" instead
Rene Brun