I've got problems in reading variables from a NTuple, which was
previously generated and stored in a File. This file is definitely
filled and the data are looking reasonable (tested using the browser).
* *
* W E L C O M E to R O O T *
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* Version 1.02/00 25 July 1997 *
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CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.13.17, Jul 5 1997
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] TFile data("jpsimu.root","READ");
root [1] data.Map()
970805/204138 At:64 N=88 TFile
970806/095250 At:152 N=425 TH1F CX = 3.74
970806/095250 At:577 N=314 TH1F CX = 2.66
970806/095250 At:891 N=2120 TH2F CX = 7.51
970806/095250 At:3011 N=288 TH1F CX = 1.84
970806/095250 At:3299 N=250 TH1F CX = 2.92
970806/095250 At:3549 N=16750 TNtuple CX = 53.12
970806/095250 At:20299 N=443 TFile
970806/095250 At:20742 N=55 TFile
root [2] TNtuple* tuple = data.Get("tuple");
// analogue to reading a Tree from a file in your example
root [3] tuple->GetNvars()
Error: illegal pointer to class object tuple 0x0 31 FILE:/var/tmp/daaa000Pr LINE:1
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
Does anybody have an idea what went wrong?
How can I get the names of the objects stored within this file?
Thanks, Robert
+ Robert Loke +
+ Humboldt University Berlin +
+ Invalidenstr. 110 +
+ 10115 Berlin +
+ Germany +
+ +
+ e-mail : loke@ifh.de +