since there are quite some people trying to build histogram
presenter apps using a control bar and a canvas, I take the
liberty of distributing a small sample program made by Robert
Loke (and cleaned up a little by me) doing exactly that.
The histograms are still empty but the whole can serve as
a good starting point. Take:
The Makefile is for HP-UX aCC. Just change it using
$ROOTSYS/test/Makefile as example for the desired platform.
> hello ROOTers,
> We are trying to write a user interface using root which will have
> pull-down menus enabling actions as histograms loading & manipulating.
> 1.How do i combine the control-bar & canvas creating for such an
> application?
see above.
> 2.Is it possible to create pulldown menus and different buttons on the
> canvas?
you can place buttons on a canvas using TButton objects. See roottalk
digest where some examples are described. For the time being it is not
yet possible to change the canvas menubar pulldown menus. This will be
possible with the new version.
> 3.When trying to read a file,how do i create a dialog box for choosing
> the correct path/file to load?
Will also be coming shortly.
> Cheers,
> Dooby & Meir
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