if you verified that it is not a syntax error (i.e. the file
can be compiled), then it might be very likely a macro that
CINT can not expand. CINT only contains a one level primitive
cpp. To work around this, one typically encloses such a macro
#ifndef __CINT__
In this way rootcint will skip this piece of code.
Cheers, Fons.
Robert Loke wrote:
> I try to add one of my classes to a root application. Therefore, I try
> to run rootcint as described in your writeup. In doing so, I receive the
> error messasges:
> Note: operator new() masked c
> Note: operator delete() masked c
> Error: Unexpected EOF G__fgetc() FILE:TdcMenu.h LINE:31
> The first ones seem not to harm, but the last one seem tgo be quite
> nasty. What's goimg wrong (I can't find any error, since the header file
> is almost looking like your header files). How can I get rid of it?
> Thanks for your help.
> Robert
-- Org: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Mail: 1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland Phone: +41 22 7679248 E-Mail: Fons.Rademakers@cern.ch Fax: +41 22 7677910