Re: how to notify one class about the streamer for another?

Fons Rademakers ((no email))
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 00:38:43 +0200 (METDST)

Hi Terrence,

try using a single rootcint statement. This will generate a single
dictionary file which will contain the includes for paramVec.h as
well as for param.defs.h and that will solve your problem since
the operator<< is declared in the ClassDef macro. If you are not
interested in I/O put the version ID in ClassDef to 0 and you
will get empty streamers.

So: rootcint dict.C -c paramVec.h param.defs.h

To use the dictionary do:
- compile dictionary
- compile paramVec and param
- link together in shared library (g++ -shared -o ...)
- start root (standard module) and do:
root [0] gSystem.Load("")
root [1] .class paramVec
should print info about class paramVec
(if class is not known, the shared library did not
load correctly (return value=1 error =0 ok). This
might be due to unresolved symbols or methods.
Check code and try again)
- now proceed with making the html doc
(see "Automatic Documentation Generation" item on
root home page).

If you have problems with or questions about the HTML generator
contact directly He is the author of the
THtml class.

Cheers, Fons.

> The #ifdef/#ifndef mods Fons sent me work just fine. Thanks a
> million. I have no problem with rootcint now. Now I have some sort of
> function prototyping problem because one class demands functionality
> defined in another class:
> rootcint -c paramVec.h
> Note: operator new() masked c
> Note: operator delete() masked c
> class paramVec in paramVec.h line 46 original base of virtual func
> g++ -O -fPIC -I/oscar/public/root/include -c -o paramVecDict.o
> In method `void paramVec::Streamer(class TBuffer &)':
> no match for `operator <<(class TBuffer, class param *)'
> make: *** [paramVecDict.o] Error 1
> brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry :

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