I think that the problem of redirection in CINT/ROOT
is the following:
ROOT/CINT uses instead of stdout Motif interface.
You can not even use dumb terminal for ROOT.
But there is special command for redirection
.> filename
Cheers Victor
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Victor M. Perevoztchikov perev@uther1.phy.ornl.gov [ US perev@vxcern.cern.ch [ CH perev@mx.ihep.su [ RUSOak Ridge National Laboratory, MS 6374, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 (423-574 5928) Fax (423-576 5780) University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1200 (secre-at 423-974 3342) 9015 Ten Mile Rd. #209 Knoxville TN 37923 (423-693 2639)