Re: Complete #pragma information
Jacek M. Holeczek (
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 11:12:44 +0200 (EET)
> In case of ROOT, $ROOTSYS/cint is used instead of $CINTSYSDIR. And as Jacek
> pointed out, there is no G__ci.h file there. Besides, there needs to be
> $ROOTSYS/cint/src/Api.h, etc...
The case of $CINTSYSDIR/src/Api.h is slighly different. It is placed in
$ROOTSYS/src ( equal to $ROOTSYS/include ) as are all other include files.
The G__ci.h is somehow special and that's why it should be placed in the
$CINTSYSDIR ( $ROOTSYS/cint ) subdirectory, as the MAKEINFO.
> For now, please understand the difference and refer my document for other
> things like #pragma.
The most importand is that there is NO "makecint" in ROOT.