The option "A" in TGraph::Draw computes the graph range , clear
the pad and draw the Axis. The statement gr->Draw("P") draws only
the graph in the current pad.
The reason why you see only part of the picture is that the default
canvas range is [0,1] in x and y.
You could have set the canvas/pad range, example:
In this case you will see the complete graph without the axes.
> Another relevant question:
> I need to superimpose 2 sets of experimental points. To do this in PAW one
> uses the following command sequence:
> > hplot/null ..... * define dimensions of the plot
> > hplot/err .... * plot 1st set of points
> > hplot/err .... * plot 2nd set of points
> What is the equivalent command sequence of ROOT commands?
You can do for example:
TH2F *frame = new TH2F("frame","title",2,xmin,xmax,2,ymin,ymax);
> It would be very helpful to include an example of how to do this into ROOT
> manual/tutorials - this is one of the very basic things people are doing.
I will add a new tutorial.
Rene Brun