We are aware of this problem. We warn our SGI users in the page
"Availability and Status".
We have only remote access to SGI machines running 5.3 and the problem
seems to be connected with the X server not the client library.
Apparently the problem disappears on IRIX6.2.
> o on AIX 4.1 it works just fine, however:
> - on B&W screen one can't see button titles until he clicks on button.
> Looks like both foreground and background colors are translated into
> white on B&W screen.
> I tried to change several gStyle attributes but it didn't help.
> The same effect takes place in many places, for example when
> DrawClass command is issued with <mouse-right-button> on canvas
We will investigate the problem with B&W screens and menus.
When working on a B&W screen you should do:
> o graphics editor doesn't have Line button. It draws PolyLine.
> however, the corresponding macro (saved using "File" menu on canvas)
> can't be executed afterwards: root complains:
> root [1] .x emoe.C
> Error: Can't call TGraph::TGraph() in current scope FILE:emoe.C LINE:11
> *** Interpreter error recovered ***
This problem was fixed in 1.01/02 on May 8.
The code generated in the invokation of TGraph contained a spurious
comma. If you remove the comma just before the close parenthesis,
your macro will work (2 places).
> Here is a macro corresponding to a simple polyline drawn with graphics editor
> which leads to the diagnostics above.
> ------------------------- cut here
> {
> //=========Macro generated from canvas: emoe/e-moe
> //========= (Tue May 27 16:42:37 1997) by ROOT version 1.01/01
> TCanvas *emoe = new TCanvas("emoe", "e-moe",604,161,527,316);
> emoe->SetHighLightColor(2);
> emoe->Range(-0.125,-0.125,1.125,1.125);
> emoe->SetFillColor(19);
> emoe->SetBorderSize(2);
> Float_t *dum = 0;
> TGraph *graph = new TGraph(2,dum,dum,); //<==================
> graph->SetName("Graph");
> graph->SetTitle("Graph");
> graph->SetFillColor(19);
> graph->SetPoint(0,0.17341,0.701107);
> graph->SetPoint(1,0.585501,0.737546);
> graph->Draw("L");
> Float_t *dum = 0;
> graph = new TGraph(9,dum,dum,); <================
> graph->SetName("Graph");
> graph->SetTitle("Graph");
> graph->SetFillColor(19);
> graph->SetPoint(0,0.188102,0.525369);
> graph->SetPoint(1,0.443401,0.0641144);
> graph->SetPoint(2,0.804672,0.516144);
> graph->SetPoint(3,0.922688,-0.00507376);
> graph->SetPoint(4,0.896195,0.972786);
> graph->SetPoint(5,0.378372,0.557657);
> graph->SetPoint(6,0.0219172,0.972786);
> graph->SetPoint(7,-0.0575626,0.248616);
> graph->SetPoint(8,-0.0455202,0.815959);
> graph->Draw("L");
> emoe->Modified();
> emoe->cd();
> }
> ------------------------- cut here
> o one can't kill graphics editor window otherwise then by stopping the
> corresponding process or using the window manages tools, however
> one can start many editor windows.
You are right. You kill teh graphics editor window using the standard
window manager button. This is to save one slot in teh menu.
Rene Brun