OK. Thanks Goto-san. Should I change it myself, or is there an corrected
file somewhere ?
> > 2) global.h (line 498): linkage specification is different from
> > previous declaration in G__security(line 86)
> There were duplicated G__security declaration in global.h and security.h.
> Deleting one in global.h will clear the problem.
OK, again.
> 3) win32_win32listviewctl.cpp(line 224): too many initialisers.
Here is the offending sequence. The line starts with 'const'.
Int_t TWin32ListViewCtrl::GetFormat(EListFmt fmt)
const Int_t formats[sizeof(EListFmt)] = {LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_LEFT,
return formats[fmt];
> > 4) win32_win32treeviewctl.cpp(line 224): missing return value.
> > Should you not put the 'return 0' statement after the 'if' ? Then it
> > works.
> Are you sure it was line 224 ?
Sorry. This line number should have been 242.
Anyway. Thanks for the help so far.
Sverre Jarp Email: Sverre.Jarp@Cern.CH
IT Department Phone: +
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