Re: ROOT Enhancement Request
Rene Brun (
Tue, 20 May 1997 15:44:19 +0200
Torsten Henkel wrote:
> ** Electronic Enhancement Request Form **
> Name: Torsten Henkel
> E-mail address:
> Enhancement urgency: normal
> Hello,
> I'm not sure if I'm right here or if I only do not see the
> right way to get what I want.
> What I want to do is to set the number of colors for a
> 2-dim histogram drawn with the 'col'-option because there
> are too much colors and on a grayscale plot from the printer
> one can not see what's realy going on because different
> colors are represanted by the same gray.
> The second question is how can I set a logarithmic z-scale?
Hi Torsten,
You can change the number of colors for the 'col' option via
gStyle->SetPalette(int ncolors, int *colors)
if colors is missing (or 0) you get gray scale automatically.
Try, for example gStyle->SetPalette(10);
To set the logz scale for a pad/canvas:
Rene Brun