> Dear roots,
> seems on cant see pointers to class with CINT.
> Suppose the following simple (working) macro:
> class TH1F;
> class XX {
> public:
> XX();
> void Drawhist();
> TH1F *h1;
> };
> XX::XX(){
> h1 = new TH1F("h1","xx",10,0.,10.);
> for (int i=0; i < 10 ; i++){
> h1->Fill(i,i);
> }
> }
> XX::Drawhist(){
> h1->Draw();
> }
> now I do:
> .L XX.C
> .b XX::Drawhist
> XX *x=new XX()
> b->Drawhist
Are you sure it is b->Drawhist not just xx->Drawhist();
> .l (or .g) h1
> Variable h1 not found
> (I have off course a more complicated one which doesnt work)
I took your file, then I did:
root [3] .L xx.cc
root [4] .b XX::Drawhist
Break point set to line 16 xx.cc
root [5] XX *nnn = new XX();
root [6] nnn->Drawhist();
16 XX::Drawhist(){
17 h1->Draw();
FILE:xx.cc LINE:17 cint>
Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
root [7]
and got a very nice picture.
I was enable to reproduce your problem, please send us further
Dr. Valery Fine Telex : 911621 dubna su
LCTA/Joint Inst.for NuclearRes Phone : +7 09621 6 40 80
141980 Dubna, Moscow region Fax : +7 09621 6 51 45
Russia mailto:fine@main1.jinr.dubna.su
Dr. Valeri Faine
------------ Phone: +41 22 767 6468
CERN FAX : +41 22 767 7910
CH-1211 Geneva, 23 mailto:fine@mail.cern.ch
Switzerland http://nicewww.cern.ch/~fine