But I get 5 errors:
1)G__ci.h (line 558): type cannot be defined or declared in return type.
(line 565): same
Nenad and I tried to define G__ANSI but it did not help. This error
occurs in all files using this header file.
2) global.h (line 498): linkage specification is different from previous
declaration in G__security(line 86)
3) win32_win32listviewctl.cpp(line 224): too many initialisers.
4) win32_win32treeviewctl.cpp(line 224): missing return value. Should
you not put the 'return 0' statement after the 'if' ? Then it works.
5) winnt_winntsystem.cpp(line 224): '_mkdir' not declared. Watcom needs
'mkdir' here. Solved.
It is especially problem number 1 that baffles me. Any help is
appreciated. In any case, I am away until Monday 26th.
Ciao. Sverre
Sverre Jarp Email: Sverre.Jarp@Cern.CH
IT Department Phone: +
CERN Phone at CERN: 16.0134
CH- 1211 Geneva 23 Fax: +41.22.767.7155