you've hit a "feature". rootcint does not include the include
file for TH1F (TH1.h) in the generated code, which causes the
compile error. To work around this, change:
class TH1F;
#include "TH1.h"
I'll try to fix this problem in rootcint (but it will be
difficult for classes that do not have their own header like
Cheers, Fons.
Otto Schaile wrote:
> Dear roots,
> what is wrong with the following header file:
> #include "TObject.h"
> class TH1F;
> class XX : public TObject {
> private:
> TH1F *h1;
> public:
> XX();
> XX( char*);
> ~XX();
> void Draw();
> ClassDef(XX,1)
> };
> I get the following from rootcint and c++ (on Linux):
> schaileo@bizet> rootcint XXdict.C -c XX.h
> Note: operator new() masked c
> Note: operator delete() masked c
> schaileo@bizet> c++ -c -I$ROOTSYS/include XXdict.C
> XXdict.C: In method `void XX::Streamer(class TBuffer &)':
> XXdict.C:382: no match for `operator >>(class TBuffer, class TH1F *)'
> cheers,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Otto Schaile Sektion Physik der LMU Muenchen
> Phone: (+49 89)289 14070 Am Coulombwall 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany
> FAX: (+49 89)289 14072 EMail: Otto.Schaile@Physik.Uni-Muenchen.DE
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