Re: Updating a TTree
Rene Brun (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 11:58:35 +0200
Laurent Mirabito wrote:
> Hello,
> I got the following problem:
> I create a Tree with an Event branch, each Event contains 2 lists
> of histograms
> 1 List of raw data histogram
> 1 List of data corrected histogram
> I first read raw data binary and create a file containing events
> with only the first list filled.
> I then read this ROOT file and I want to update my file with the second
> list filled.
> I just tried to open the file in UPDATE mode and added a call to
> Tree->Fill() after the processing of each event and it crashed.
> Is it possible to do this or do I have to create a new Tree ?
We have introduced the possibility to UPDATE an existing tree
in our development version 1.01. We will introduce this beta version
on the Web in addition to the PRO version 1.00 in the coming days.
I can make a tar file for you if you are in a rush. Let me know.
Rene Brun