> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
> // First create application environment. If you replace TApplication
> // by TRint (which inherits from TApplication) you will be able
> // to execute CINT commands once in the eventloop (via Run()).
> Track testtrack;
> theApp = new TApplication("App",&argc,argv);
Well, two things. TControlBar needs interpreter, so
you will need to replace TApplication by TRint. The second
thing is that you have to call 'theApp->Run()', otherwise
your 'gSystem' can not be initialised.
Nenad BUNCIC email: Nenad.Buncic@cern.ch
CERN, PPE Division/NA49 phone: (+41.22.76)76462,
CH-1211 Geneva 23 (+41.22.76)74921
SWITZERLAND fax: (+41.22.76)77910