Re: next 10/08 beta
Rene Brun (
Fri, 25 Apr 1997 11:13:40 +0200
Jacek M. Holeczek wrote:
> Hi,
> Seems you recompiled/recreated the root once more yesterday afternoon :-(
> This time the new sources are also there :-)
> Why don't you write a small mail to the roottalk list when you do
> something like this ?
> Jacek.
> P.S. Another point is - you could create files for every
> platform ( xxx = aix4.1, hp-ux9.01, ... ) which would keep all
> platform specific notes for compiling ( including all warnings
> and errors that one gets when one tries to compile root ! ) and
> using root. Jacek.
Please be patient!
We will anounce this afternoon the release of root version 1.00.
We are currently testing our final version on all platforms.
When we compile root with our current installation procedures,
we always select the option -w to remove warning messages.
Rene Brun