The two dozen shared libraries are efficient while developing
ROOT (very short link times after a change). Once we come with
the final 1.00 we can probably suffice with only three libraries:, and, where contains
all classes that require the linking of Motif/Win32.
Cheers, Fons.
Pasha Murat wrote:
> Robert Loke writes:
> > Is there a chance to get a g++ compiled version of all the root libs?
> >
> > Otherwise I run into trouble to link these libs with other objects and
> > Libs...
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Robert Loke
> It looks like I'm having the same kind of problems...
> In fact, the issue raised is much more general: from long experience
> with SGI we (CDF) know that native FORTRAN (this is just an example)
> compiler
> coming with any new version of OS contains bugs. First experiences with
> SGI C++ show the same and I wouldn't expect SGI to be an exception here...
> For this reason it seems to be very important for any
> product (not only for ROOT) to have libraries
> compiled in a way which would minimize dependence from any particular
> vendor. To the moment the most realistic solution is provided by GNU
> C++ compiler. Using GCC would also solve many
> portability problems - I'm not discussing the efficiency issues here.
> I'd even volunteer to recompile libraries with GCC, the only thing
> I need to know is which source codes go to which library. BTW,
> is it really necessary to have about 2 dozens of small libraries ?
> Pasha.
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