In version 1.00 I have optimized the computation of the histogram
limits (both quality and time). The estimation of the limits is made
on the first fEstimate events (default in version 0.9) was 1000.
In version 1.00, it is 10000 and this parameter may be changed
by tree->SetEstimate(nevents).
> b) I essentially seem to have the same problem for
> profile plots. It happens often that the
> command "ntuple->Draw("y:x>>hprof","","prof");"
> does not use the full x-range (seems to be the same
> cut-off as in a)). The additional problem here is that
> predefining a profile hist using
> "hprof1 = new TProfile("hprof1","y vs x",nch,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);"
> doesn't help, since the "ntuple->Draw("y:x>>hprof1,"","prof");"
> command overwrites the previous definition autoscales, so
> I am back to the original problem.
> How can I fix this?
I do not understand this last point. If you specify >>hprof,
the limits are the ones in the original hprof.
Rene Brun