Is it possible to use TTree to hold and access arrays of basic types
(i.e. Int_t)? In particular, I would like to have defined a class which
has arrays as data members, fill objects of such a class, and save them
in a tree:
class A {
Int_t arr1[10];
Int_t arr2[10];
a = new A();
t = new TTree("T","test tree");
b = t->Branch("A","A",&a,32000,1);
... then fill the tree ...
I have not been able to get this to work. In particular this is
preventing me from being able to use a tree to hold classes like:
class B {
TH1S* h1;
Should any of this work, or is support for this planned?
Thank you,
Glenn Cooper
Lawrence Berkeley Lab. MS 50A-1148 tel. 510 486 7129
1 Cyclotron Road fax. 510 486 4818
Berkeley, CA 94720 email