Re: find object help
Jacek M. Holeczek (
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 10:10:01 +0100 (CET)
> > Still nobody answered whether I am able to RECOVER the LAST USED RAM
> > DIRECTORY. Is there any trick available.
> gDirectory points to the current directory (what you call LAST path
> in memory).
Thanks, but the gDirectory is not what I really mean by the LAST USED RAM
DIRECTORY. Initially it points to gROOT. Then, when you create some
subdirectories and cd() to them, the gDirectory "follows" you, but, for
example, if one opens a file the gDirectory will switch to it. Thus what I
mean is ( probably ) the last used subdirectory before you opened the
file. I don't know how to describe it well, but I mean the difference
between gROOT->ls() and gDirectory->ls() after you opened a file.
The gROOT->ls() gives me "pure" ram objects/subdirectories, while
gDirectory->ls() gives me "mixed" file / ram objects ( I can't find the
appropriate source code now, but there is somewhere a place where
an option "m" lists all memory resident objects and "d" all disk
resident objects in this case - if I understand it well, of course ).
I would like to recover the subdirectory, one of these that are listed by
gROOT->ls(), that was used most recently, in case the gDirectory points to
an opened file.