Re: find object help
Rene Brun (
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 18:47:51 +0100
Jacek M. Holeczek wrote:
> different, however. Now I need to deliver a pointer to my histogram
> h9999->Fill(). Thus I have to find the histogram first. Thus I need to
> replace a fortran-paw line :
> if ( hexist(9999) ) call hf1(9999,1.,1.)
> with a c-root line :
> if ( h9999 = find_somehow_histogram("h9999") ) h9999->Fill(...)
> where I assume that the routine find_somehow_histogram(...) returns null
> if it's not available and a correct pointer if it is found.
> Now, Fons'es advice was :
> > Use pointers to the objects instead of trying to find them by name
> > everytime.
> > That is, look for them once (assuming they come from file) using either
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I can't. Each of my histograms may disappear/reappear between any two
> adjacent calls to the function which fills them ( if they exist ).
> Sounds strange ? Assume we have the multithreaded root. Now assume one
> thread gets events from acquisition, unpacks them using my "function"
> ( shared library, of course ) which fills histograms - IF THEY EXIST. The
> "main" thread is used to look into these histograms on the fly. I would
> like to be able to interactively delete histograms ( which I don't want to
> watch any more ), create new histograms, ..., without breaking the thread
> that gets/unpacks events. The whole "inteligence" should be placed in the
> fool-proof unpacking function. I don't like the idea to additionaly have
> ( and maintain ) a set of global-histogram-pointers SHARED between
> compiled library and interpreted code ( apart from the histogram-objects
> themselves ).
> > gFile->Get("EventLength") (searches whole file) or
> > gDirectory->Get("EventLenght")
> > (searches only the directory).
> Once again, the routine should be as fool-proof as possible. It should
> scan ONLY the MEMORY. If the user has opened a file, the gDirectory points
> to that file, but the routine should still scan RAM. In best case, if
> possible, the LAST subdirectory which was used in MEMORY ( before the
> file was opened ). In case this RAM-subdirectory cannot be recovered, I
> could assume that only the gROOT should be allowed. So the first line of
> code would be "lastRAMsubdirectory->cd()" ( or "gROOT->cd()" ).
> The TDirectory::Get(...) seems still too complex for me ( to get the
> required speed ). I was thinking yesterday about extracting the first part
> from it ( called "Case of Object in memory" in source code ), but maybe
> there is someting simpler/faster existing ( I'm not sure, but I think I
> don't need the source code part "Case of Key" of this routine ).
> Thanks in advance,
> Jacek.
With version 0.9, the best way to test if an histogram is in the
list of histograms in the current directory in memory is for example:
TH1F *hist;
if (hist=(TH1F*)gDirectory->GetList()->FindObject("EventLength")) {
Rene Brun