Root examples

Akiya Miyamoto, 17-September-1998

    Get list of classes

         // List created classes.
            TSeqCollection *list=gROOT->GetListOfClasses();
            TIter next(list);
            TClass *c;
            while( (c=(TClass*)next()) ) {
                printf("class name is %s\n",c->GetName());

    Make a branch

        // To create the branch in the tree,
            Int_t split=1;
            Int_t bsize=4000;
            TNamed *obj=this;
            tree->Branch(GetName(), GetClass(), &obj, bsize, split);
        // This statement creates the branch in the tree.
        // If split=0, only single branch is created. Whole data member of the
        // class is saved in the single branch.  If Streamer method which is
        // created automatically by rootcint is not adequate, user can white
        // their own streamer method( Append - to the class name in LinkDef.h to
        // suppress automatic generation of Streamer method.)
        // If split=1, whole data member of the class are further devided untill
        // they are basic data type.  In this case, single variable forms sub-branches.

    Make html documents

            // A macro to create html documents.
            // Execute this macro, after loading library which defines classes.
                THtml html;
            //  This will create html documents of all classes in html/ directory.

    GUI howto

        From the cint environment, only button function can be used.
        Other function such as menu bar and dialog must be prepared as an
        compiledcoded as an compiled shared library. Otherwise, some trick
        must be used.  Classes which are defined in a cint macro can not be
        included in the cint dictionary properly.

    Keyed IO

            TFile f("file.root");
            TNamed obj("Mine");// Create named object
            obj->Write() ;// Write object, key is Mine;1
            obj->Write() ;// Write same object, key is Mine;2
            obj->Write() ;// Write same object once more, key is Mine;3
            obj->Read("Mine");// Read Mine;3
            TKey *key=f->GetKey("Mine",2); // Get key for cycle 2
            obj->Read(key); // read Mine;2
            obj=(TNamed*)f->Get("Mine;2") ;//  Get Mine;2
            obj=(TNamed*)f->Get("Mine");   //  Get Mine;3
          // TDirectory->EncodeNameCycle( .., .. , .. )
          // TDirectory->DecodeNameCycle( .., .. , .. )
          //   use these function to convert namecylce to name and cycle